The oil cooler plays a critical role in keeping your engine working smoothly. It’s one of those knick-knacks and features your car has that you only realise its existence when it’s time to hit the mechanic. When it’s too late and a bit of maintenance and care would have saved you a truckload of headaches. Confused by its purpose? This article will demystify the oil cooler, explaining how it regulates oil temperature, boosts performance, improves efficiency, and even extends the life of your beloved vehicle.

The critical role of oil

Engine oil creates a slippery film, minimising friction and wear between moving parts. It also acts as a heat conductor, drawing away excess thermal energy generated by combustion. It even cleans the engine by trapping contaminants, preventing sludge buildup, and ensuring smooth operation. Regular oil changes ensure this vital fluid stays fresh, protecting your engine's performance, maximising its efficiency, and extending its lifespan.

Oil coolers – a vital component

Oil coolers are essential components for maintaining optimal oil temperatures in engines. By dissipating excess heat generated during operation, oil coolers help preserve the integrity and viscosity of the engine oil, ensuring effective lubrication and thermal protection for critical components. This vital function not only promotes smoother engine operation but also contributes to prolonged engine lifespan and enhanced overall performance.

How oil temperature affects engine performance

The temperature of the oil has a significant impact on engine performance. When the oil is too cold, it becomes thicker and more viscous, leading to increased friction and difficulty in circulating through the engine components. On the contrary, when the oil gets too hot, it can lose its lubricating properties, leading to increased wear rates on engine components. Additionally, high oil temperatures can also cause oil oxidation, resulting in reduced lubrication quality and potential damage to engine parts.

Excessive oil temperatures can wreak havoc on your vehicle's health. Here's how:

Lubrication breakdown

At high temperatures, oil's viscosity drops, leaving metal parts exposed to harmful friction. This leads to excessive wear and tear, shortening the lifespan of vital components.

Sludge buildup

Hot oil builds contaminants and additives that break down and form sludge, clogging oil passages and reducing oil flow, and further increasing wear, leading to engine failure.

Gasket and seal failure

Excessive heat makes them prone to leaks, allowing oil to escape and coolant to mix in, contaminating both fluids, and causing major engine damage.

Reduced power and efficiency

Hot oil loses its ability to efficiently transfer heat away from critical components. This trapped heat can lead to pre-ignition and detonation, causing knocking and pinging, reducing engine power, and increasing fuel consumption.

Warping and deformation

Extreme heat causes metal components to warp and deform, leading to misalignment and further breakdowns.

Oil coolers 101

Oil coolers are essential components in modern engines that help maintain optimal oil temperatures. These devices are located in the engine's cooling system and work by transferring heat away from the oil. There are two main types:

  • Air-cooled oil coolers: Resemble miniature radiators, typically mounted in front of the engine or near air intake points. As the air passes over the cooler, it absorbs the heat from the oil, effectively lowering its temperature.
  • Liquid-cooled oil coolers: Hot oil flows through internal tubes within a larger housing, passing alongside cooler engine coolant in the surrounding space. Heat transfers from the oil to the coolant, keeping the oil at a safe temperature.

In both cases, the car oil cooler works to regulate the temperature of the engine oil, ensuring that it remains within range for proper lubrication and cooling. By maintaining optimal oil temperatures, oil coolers play a vital role in preserving engine performance and longevity.

The components of an oil cooler system

Here are the essential components:

Cooler core

  • Function: It's responsible for heat transfer.
  • Importance: Allows efficient heat exchange suited to your engine's heat generation and airflow conditions.


  • Function: They transport hot oil from the engine to the cooler and cooled oil back.
  • Importance: Leak-proof lines are crucial for maintaining proper oil flow and pressure.


  • Function: Regulates oil temperature by controlling flow to the cooler.
  • Importance: Prevents overcooling during normal operation, maximising cooling efficiency only when needed.

The benefits of installing an oil cooler

Installing an oil cooler can offer several significant benefits for a vehicle's engine:

Enhanced engine performance

By effectively regulating the temperature of the engine oil, an oil cooler ensures improved performance, smoother operation, and efficient power delivery.

Extended engine life

By preventing heat-related damage, the cooler helps mitigate thermal breakdown, oxidation, and contributes to engine longevity.

Improved efficiency

By managing the oil temperature, an oil cooler helps maintain the oil's viscosity and fluidity, ensuring that it can effectively lubricate and protect the engine's moving parts. This contributes to improved fuel efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced performance over time.

What to consider when selecting an oil cooler

Here are several important factors to consider:

Vehicle type

High-performance sports cars benefit from a more robust oil cooler to handle the increased heat generated during aggressive driving. On the other hand, a standard passenger vehicle suffices with a basic oil cooler that adequately manages the heat levels during regular commuting.


Vehicles used for racing generate higher levels of heat, demanding a more efficient and capable oil cooler to maintain optimal oil temperature and lubrication. Daily-driven vehicles may not require the same level of cooling capacity as those used in racing applications.

Environmental conditions

Vehicles operated in hot climates or under heavy load conditions will experience elevated oil temperatures. In such cases, a highly effective oil cooler is essential to prevent overheating and ensure proper engine lubrication. Conversely, vehicles in colder climates may require less intensive cooling capacity.

Tips to ensure the oil cooler operates efficiently

To ensure the efficient operation of an oil cooler kit, here are some recommendations:

Regular inspection

Perform visual inspections of the oil cooler to check for any signs of damage, corrosion, and debris accumulation that could hinder its effectiveness.

Clean the cooler fins

Regularly clean the fins using compressed air or a soft brush to remove any buildup and maintain optimal airflow through the cooler.

Check for leaks

Inspect the connections, fittings, and hoses associated with the oil cooler for any signs of leakage. Address them promptly to prevent loss of oil and potential damage to the engine.

Monitor oil levels and quality

Keep track of the oil levels in the system, ensuring that the oil being circulated through the cooler is clean and of the proper viscosity.

Flush the cooling system

Periodically flush the entire cooling system to remove accumulated debris, contaminants, and old coolant.

Check the thermostat

Verify that the thermostat is functioning correctly and that it opens and closes at the appropriate temperatures to facilitate proper oil cooling.

Air coolers and your car

The importance of oil coolers in maximising engine performance and extending vehicle longevity cannot be understated. By effectively regulating oil temperatures, oil coolers play a crucial role in preserving engine health and performance. As a valuable investment in vehicle health, adding an oil cooler can significantly contribute to prolonged engine lifespan, smoother operation, and enhanced overall performance. Considering the numerous benefits it brings, incorporating an oil cooler into your vehicle's system proves to be a wise and worthwhile decision for ensuring optimal engine function and long-term reliability.