When you need replacement Toyota parts, it can be a tough call to decide whether you want to opt for manufacturer parts or choose to go for an aftermarket option instead. Today, we’re taking a look at some of the reasons you might choose to opt for one or the other when you’re purchasing Toyota parts in Australia. Both have distinct pros and cons, and this article will be able to help you make an informed decision about your purchase. 

Manufacturer parts versus aftermarket parts 

The most obvious difference between manufacturer parts and aftermarket parts is that the manufacturer parts are made in the same factory as the rest of the car, by the same parent company. They’re also intended to be used in a specific make and model of vehicle. By contrast, third parties make aftermarket parts to fulfil a similar role as a manufacturer part. Typically they are compatible with a number of different brands and models, though higher-end parts may be made with more specificity in mind. 

This can span a very broad range of products; though you might think of them in terms of minor things like air filters or door handles, they can span anything from headlight upgrades through to entire cooling systems, exhausts and engines

It’s very important to distinguish “aftermarket” from “counterfeit”, too. Aftermarket manufacturers are making parts that are compatible with certain cars. Counterfeit manufacturers are attempting to pass off their wares as real items from the original manufacturer. Reputable aftermarket companies take obvious steps to prevent confusion between their parts and OEM ones; they do not want confusion occurring any more than the original manufacturer does. 

With these considerations in mind, let’s take a look at some of the other factors that may influence your decision when you’re purchasing parts. 


Aftermarket parts are almost inevitably cheaper than Toyota parts in Australia unless you’re looking at very high-end, specific performance items. If you’re on a tight budget or looking to customise your car in a specific fashion, opting for aftermarket parts can be a great option. 


Availability is a more tricky consideration than you might think. If your car is relatively new and popular, manufacturer parts can be easy to come by. However, it’s not uncommon to find yourself with a lengthy wait on your hands for a branded part to arrive, as it’s usually from a single provider. This can make aftermarket parts more appealing, particularly if you need to get back on the road in a hurry. However, there isn’t always a specific aftermarket option available. Although common items like wheels tend to have plenty of options available, more specific parts may necessitate waiting. 

The question becomes even more complex when you’re dealing with older models of cars. Collectible and vintage drivers often have very exacting preferences, but branded parts may no longer be particularly scarce or no longer in production. Although there’s always the possibility of delving into the world of second-hand branded parts (something that warrants a whole blog in itself), it can be tricky to know where to buy Toyota parts in these circumstances. 


One of the major advantages of sticking to Toyota parts from the manufacturer is your warranty. If you’ve purchased a new car, then using parts from the manufacturer means that you’ll be covered under warranty — even if that part causes errors elsewhere in the car. You’re using their parts, so it’s their responsibility, in effect. 

Although aftermarket parts do come with a warranty, it’s for the part specifically — if it causes problems elsewhere in the car, it’s unlikely that the car manufacturer or the aftermarket company will be willing to take responsibility. There’s a strong element of “use at your own risk”. While this is less of a concern outside of the warranty period, it’s still something to keep in mind. 

Modification and cosmetics 

Mods and cosmetic additions to your car are one of the areas where aftermarket parts have really come to the fore. A visit to any local car show or a glance around online will give you an insight into just how prevalent customisation is — both official and unofficial. Tweaking suspension on 4WD vehicles is common, as is updating the drivetrain and brakes on cars intended for racing. Additionally, sports kits, interior upgrades, wheels, and more have all hit the market over the years. If you can imagine an accessory for your car, the chances are high that an aftermarket part out there has been created for it. 

Making an informed decision 

There are a variety of reasons people opt for aftermarket parts. Cost, performance enhancement or even aesthetics are all common reasons. People who mod their cars — whether as a hobby or professionally — are frequently interested in aftermarket parts and may even prefer them to stock parts on occasion. 

So there isn’t always a clear-cut distinction between whether manufacturer or aftermarket parts are “better” than another; that’s very subjective territory. It’s a choice around your specific needs and circumstances. Your best bet is to work with an experienced and trustworthy mechanic who can advise you accordingly. And if you know the parts you’re looking for, the team at Car Mods Australia is more than happy to help.

Shop Toyota parts with Car Mods Australia

Here at Card Mods Australia, we specialise in aftermarket Toyota parts in Australia. With replacement parts from a variety of aftermarket brands, we’re the best place to shop for Toyota car parts online in Australia. We’ll provide you with all of the support you need. To discover more, reach out to Car Mods Australia today. Our team will be more than happy to help you get on the road to modifying or repairing your car.